Response 259559551

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Guideline Structure And Style

1. Do you agree or disagree that the general structure of the guideline, providing guidance in line with steps 1 to 3 of the sentencing process guideline, is appropriate?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree

2. Do you agree or disagree that the style of the guideline, employing narrative and tables, is helpful?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response.

It is of assistance to sentencers to provide consistent language in sentencing statements and useful for public reference.

3. Do you agree or disagree that the draft guideline makes the relationship between this guideline and other applicable guidelines clear?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

We offer qualified agreement. W consider that although the cross referencing is clear to practitioners it may be confusing to the public.

4. Is there anything that can be done to make the relationship between this guideline and other applicable guidelines clearer?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please provide details along with any reasons for your response:

We appreciate that this is a difficult balancing exercise but from the language used we are not persuaded that the public and more importantly the press will understand that these guidelines must be read alongside the existing guidelines. It is not uncommon for these offences to be committed by young persons who are also subject to the guidelines affecting them and it may lead to a perception of undue leniency where the is an overlap in the application of the two guidelines.

5. Do you consider that the offences should be listed within the guideline by order of seriousness, the order they appear in the Road Traffic Act 1988, or in any other order?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Seriousness
Radio button: Ticked Order in the Road Traffic Act 1988
Radio button: Unticked Other order (please specify below)
Please provide any reasons for your response.

This is an objective and logical approach. It is difficult to differential which among some of the offences is the more serious and could lead to unintended consequences/ nuances which are avoided if the statutory order is followed.

Purposes of sentencing

6. Do you agree or disagree that the draft guideline should not emphasise any particular purpose or purposes of sentencing?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response.

This feeds back to our earlier point about the difficulties inherent in cross referencing between the guidelines and whether the public/ press would do that even if sentencers themselves do. We consider that if the public were to look at the guideline it should be clear on the face of it what the sentence is expected to achieve and what they are not attempting to achieve. This relates to the difficult issue of sentencing on the basis of culpability and not placing a value on human life.

Assessing Seriousness

7. Do you agree or disagree that the approach to the assessment of seriousness set out at step 1 for each of the offences covered by the guideline is appropriate?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree

8. Are there any changes that should be made to the features of seriousness listed at step 1 of each offence?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

9. Do you agree or disagree that the difference between the quality of driving under level B seriousness and level C seriousness for death by dangerous driving offences is sufficiently clear?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

We are of the view that for the lay person the nuances between substantial and significant are difficult to understand.

10. Do you agree or disagree that the feature of seriousness regarding the quality of driving for Level B offences should instead to refer to “driving that created a very significant risk of danger” to make the distinction more clear?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree

11. In relation to the categorisation of racing in death by dangerous driving offences, which of the options presented at paragraph 60 of the consultation do you consider the most appropriate?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Option 1 (include racing in Level A only)
Radio button: Unticked Option 2 (include racing in both Level A and Level B seriousness, with suitable descriptions)
Radio button: Unticked Option 3 (include racing in either Level A or Level B with an indication that it could move into another level of seriousness depending on the nature of the racing)
Radio button: Unticked Option 4 (include racing in Level B, noting that application of the guideline as presently drafted provides the option for moving a driving case from Level B to A: a particularly bad racing case could be regarded as possessing a combination of Level B features)
Please provide any reasons for your response.

We agree with the reasons at paragraph 49 of the consultation.

Starting Points And Sentencing Ranges

12. Do you agree or disagree with the non-inclusion of starting points within the sentencing ranges?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

We consider that starting points are helpful to the sentence and to the public. We see no reason to depart from the Definitive Guidelines in this regard. If there is no starting point sentencers will simply revert to the English guidelines in any event and will no doubt be encouraged to do so by pleaders. Equally the public will have an expectation that the top line is the starting point.

13. Do you agree or disagree that the ranges set out within the guideline should reflect current sentencing practice?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

Any alternative approach could lead to unrealistic expectations.

14. Do you agree or disagree that the sentencing ranges specified within the guideline are appropriate for each offence?

Causing death by dangerous driving (pages 4-7) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by dangerous driving (pages 4-7) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs (pages 8-12) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs (pages 8-12) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving (pages 13-16) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving (pages 13-16) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by driving: unlicensed, uninsured, or disqualified drivers (pages 17-20) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by driving: unlicensed, uninsured, or disqualified drivers (pages 17-20) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree

15. Do you agree or disagree with the non-inclusion of guidance on disqualification periods, the young driver scheme, or the drink driver rehabilitation scheme?

Disqualification periods Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Disqualification periods Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
Young driver scheme Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Young driver scheme Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
Drink driver rehabilitation scheme Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Drink driver rehabilitation scheme Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response. If you selected ‘disagree’, please indicate what guidance should be included within the guideline.

These are all important elements of the sentence and are often misunderstood or unknown about to the public. If the objective is to promote a wider understanding and transparency in sentencing, there is no logic in excluding them.

Aggravating And Mitigating Factors

16. Do you agree or disagree that the aggravating and mitigating factors listed in the table at step 3 for each offence are appropriate?

Causing death by dangerous driving (pages 4-7) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by dangerous driving (pages 4-7) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs (pages 8-12) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs (pages 8-12) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving (pages 13-16) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving (pages 13-16) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree
Causing death by driving: unlicensed, uninsured, or disqualified drivers (pages 17-20) Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Causing death by driving: unlicensed, uninsured, or disqualified drivers (pages 17-20) Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree

17. Do you agree or disagree that the guideline should provide further guidance on the following aggravating and mitigating factors?

Previous convictions Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Previous convictions Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
Remorse Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Remorse Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
The relationship between the offender and victim(s) Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree The relationship between the offender and victim(s) Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response.

The relevance of these factors will be a matter for the discretion of the sentence in the individual circumstances of the case.

18. Do you agree or disagree with the approach to listing contributory actions of others as mitigating factors?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

These factors may nudge the offence from one category to another.

19. Do you agree or disagree that the voluntary surrender of a licence by an older driver should be listed as a mitigating factor?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

It does not mitigate culpability. The offender may well have had no choice and should not have been driving in the first place.

20. Should any additional mitigating or aggravating factors be listed?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Potential impacts of the guideline

21. Do you think the guideline will influence sentencing practice in Scotland?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please give any reasons for your response:

If the guidelines reflect current sentencing practice, as we believe they should, then it should not have a significant impact on sentences going forward.

22. Do you agree or disagree that the guideline will lead to an increase in public understanding of how sentencing decisions in death by driving cases are made?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please provide any reasons for your response:

We consider that this purpose of having the guidelines is very important and legitimate. We have a concern that the guidelines may not be accessed and referred to by either public or the press and the sentences particularly in relation to death by careless driving will continue to be sensationalised, misunderstood and accordingly criticised.

23. What benefits do you see arising from the introduction of this guideline, if any?

What benefits do you see arising from the introduction of this guideline, if any?

Public awareness and assistance to sentencers in relation to ranges.

24. What negative effects do you see arising from the introduction of this guideline, if any?

Please provide any reasons for your answer:

None. Sentencers currently routinely use the English Definitive Guidelines.

25. What costs (financial or otherwise) do you see arising from the introduction of this guideline, if any?

What costs (financial or otherwise) do you see arising from the introduction of this guideline, if any

None. This was previously dealt with in our response to the impact statement.

Final comments

26. Would you like to make any other comments in relation to any matter arising from this consultation?

Would you like to make any other comments in relation to any matter arising from this consultation?

We consider it right and proper that Scotland should have its own set of guidelines rather than simply deferring the English guidelines which are followed in most cases. However the real benefit would be if they increase public awareness as to how these cases are sentences and educate interested parties in the realistic range of outcomes where a person tragically loses their life in a situation where the culpability level is relatively low when compared with that outcome.

Respondent information

27. Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

29. Name of your organisation (if responding on behalf of an organisation):

The Sheriffs and Summary Sheriffs Association

34. The Scottish Sentencing Council would like your permission to publish your consultation response. Please indicate your preference:

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Publish response with name
Radio button: Ticked Publish response only (without name)
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish response